Contributing to the improvement of citizens’ quality of lives and Seoul’s community welfare.
Asset Building ProjectIt is a savings account for which the Seoul Welfare Foundation matches the full amount of monthly savings that participants deposit from their earned income for two to three years, and subsidizes the same amount using the Seoul City budget, and donations from Seoul citizens. The employment subsidy is granted for savings accounts opened for the purpose of housing, marriage, education, and starting a business. The deposit period is two or three years from the account opening date.
It is a savings account for which the Seoul Welfare Foundation matches the full amount of monthly savings that the account holders deposit for the purpose of children’s education for three or five years (for living, medical, or wage recipients), or half the amount (housing, education recipients and non-recipients), and subsidizes the amount using the Seoul City budget, and donations from Seoul citizens. The subsidy is provided for savings created for the purpose of education expenses for children registered on the contract.
It is a savings account designed to help young adults with severe disabilities who are facing financial difficulties due to high expenses in comparison to those with low incomes preparing for a brighter future. This account is designed to help the participants prepare seed money that can be used for transition into adulthood and gain independence, encouraging motivation for independence while preventing falling under the poverty line. In addition, we support the hopeful lives of the participants by offering financial education and independence support services.
(However, matching subsidies are provided if the participants have moved outside the city or province.)